Why not start a subscription to OKIDO magazine in September to last the whole academic year?
Whether your child is transitioning to nursery, reception or infant school for the first time or just moving into a different school year, supporting and encouraging your child through this process with thoughtful, hidden learning activities and lots of regular learning-through-play will benefit them (and you!) for the rest of their educational lifetime.
You can have great fun together and really help your child at this time of year. BBC Bitesize recommends lots of 10-15 minute bursts of concentration activities which will be really useful practice for school learning. Children that experience this type of support and learning in their early years are shown to have a better chance of transitioning into and through school life with ease.
Plus, encouraging STEAM learning skills through OKIDO learning-through-play techniques will help your child’s cognitive skills, communication, collaboration, social skills and will give them the perfect head start to their education.
OKIDO Studio is a pioneering design studio championing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths subjects. Each issue of OKIDO magazine is packed full of hidden learning strategies so that your young scientist can absorb masses of information while happily learning-through-play. Whether a preschooler or already started within the education system, a subscription to OKIDO will advance your child’s learning capabilities, encourage critical thinking and self-led activities and become an at-home library resource for all manner of information, facts and fun.
OKIDO is available as an annual subscription all over the world.
Available at https://store.okido.com/collections/okido-subscriptions