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Make a Marshmallow Catapult

Make a Marshmallow Catapult

Ready! Aim! Fire! Stick! Here's a science learn through play activity for kids that will really stick. Get ready with ammunition like small sweets, cereal or mini marshmallows!

What you will need to build your catapult:

  • 4 big marshmallows
  • 6 Skewers
  • 1 thin rubber band
  • 1 plastic or wooden spoon
  • Sticky tape

You will need Marshmallow catapult

1. Make a triangle with 3 marshmallows and 3 skewers

OKIDO Magazine Marshmallow catapult

2. Use 3 skewers and 1 marshmallow to form a pyramid

OKIDO Magazine Marshmallow catapult

3. Tape a spoon onto a skewer

OKIDO Magazine Marshmallow catapult

4. Loop the rubber band around the top marshmallow, then insert the spoon skewer through the rubber band and stick it into a marshmallow on the base.

OKIDO Magazine Marshmallow catapult

5. Ammunition: Mini marshmallows, breakfast cereals or small sweets.

OKIDO Magazine Marshmallow catapult


Activities   plastic-free   science   learning   STEAM


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