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Build A Floating Cork Boat

Build A Floating Cork Boat

Invent your own cork boats and have a race down a stream. Which boats are the most successful?

To build your floating cork boat you will need:

  • Corks
  • Toothpicks
  • Elastic Bands
  • Coloured Paper

1. Insert toothpicks into corks to hold them in place

2. You can also attach corks using elastic bands.

3. To make a sail, insert a toothpick through a triangle of coloured paper.

4. Stick the sail into the cork to finish your boat!




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Make Your Own Plasticine Characters

1. In a large bowl mix all of the ingredients together to form a dough. 1 cup of Flour 1/4 cup of salt 1/4 cup of water Food colouring (different colours) 1 table spoon of oil 2. Make 2 more Plasticine balls so you have one blue, one yellow and[…]

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